
Africa’s Problems Not Too Big To Solve – Obasanjo

The former President harped on the need for Africa to consider the peculiarities of its people in designing and implementing workable homegrown solutions to the problems confronting the continent.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo addressing All-Africa Students Union in Abeokuta on Wednesday, October 11, 2023.


Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has challenged African leaders to find homegrown solutions to the myriads of problems confronting the continent.

Obasanjo gave this charge while addressing a delegation of students and youths across African countries at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL), Abeokuta, Ogun State on Wednesday.

The delegation, which included students’ leaders from the Ethiopia and the Tigray Region was led by the President of All-Africa Students Union (AASU), Osisiogu Osikenyi.

The students were on a “thank you” visit to Obasanjo for facilitating the Permanent cessation of hostilities agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF) in Pretoria last year.

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The former President harped on the need for Africa to consider the peculiarities of its people in designing and implementing workable homegrown solutions to the problems confronting the continent.

“The peace we were able to achieve in Tigray between the TPLF and the federal government of Ethiopia is what you and I will regard as finding African solution to African problem. And this is what our leaders have been clamouring for even from independence in the early 1960s.

“And how did it happen? AU decided that as our continental organisation they should not continue to folds hands while there is war raging or where there is fire burning in any of our countries.

“Then they decided to appoint what they call high representatives for the horn of Africa. Not only that, all the leaders of the horn of Africa supported in seeking peace, in promoting peace, security, stability and enduring  and sustainable development in the whole of horn of Africa,” Obasanjo said.

In his remarks, the President of Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions Students Union (EHEISU), Oli Bedane Wako, said, the African students’ leaders paid a thank you visit to Obasanjo over the role in played in the historic signing of the Pretoria peace agreement among the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Tigray Liberation Fronts

According to him, the deadliest war in Tigray region of Ethiopia has brought immense tragedy, claiming the lives of countless young individuals and leaving behind widespread destruction and trauma.